Best Five Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Losing belly fat does not have to be complicated and mysterious. Here are a few of the best ways to lose belly fat fast.

By using these tips you will find that losing stubborn belly fat is not as hard as it may seem. In fact, some of these tips are actually enjoyable and do not involve unpleasant tasks and restrictions.

1 - Eat several smaller meals per day. Instead of the usual bigger 3 meals per day, eat 5-6 smaller meals. This helps to keep your metabolism up as you never get to the point of being very hungry during the day. Also you keep your blood sugar levels in check this way as well.

2 - Keep sugar and simple carbs to a minimum. Everyone has heard about doing the low carb diets. The reason people are successful with them is they are eliminating SUGAR and other simple carbs (like white flour). Sugar, in high doses, is a killer for your waist line.

You do not have to give up carbs - just make sure you eat the complex carbs such as whole grain breads and vegetables. They are nutritious and they keep you feeling fuller longer.

3 - Build some lean muscle. Cardio has its place but you get the most bang for you exercise buck when you do strength or resistance training. Lean muscle helps you look slimmer because muscle takes up less space than fat on your body.

Plus the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn even at rest. Incorporating both cardio and resistance training will help you peel off the pounds. Do keep in mind that endless crunches will not flatten your stomach.

And overdoing the cardio can actually keep you from gaining necessary lean muscle. The best rule of thumb is to do enough cardio to burn extra calories (such as a brisk 2 mile walk) and strength train your entire body to build that lean muscle.

4 - Get enough sleep. When you don't get enough sleep your body won't produce enough leptin which is a protein that regulates your appetite and signals to your stomach that it is full. In other words, when you are tired you want to eat more. And of course, taking in too many calories means extra weight gain.

5 - Chill out! Stress is a huge factor in gaining weight. Cortisol (the stress hormone) also causes increased appetite and fat production. Even worse, cortisol causes fat to be stored in the belly. So take time to relax.

You can even combine a nice cardio walk with stress release and relaxation. Any exercise tends to help lower stress levels. So get out there and move your body and you'll burn calories and reduce your stress.

To lose belly fat easily you simply have to make a few changes in your lifestyle. All five of these tips can be incorporated at the same time. However, if it feels too overwhelming to make so many changes at once then incorporate them slowly. Try a different tip each week and just over a month later you'll be using all five.

If you want to learn about the best ways to lose belly fat fast and just overall weight safely and quickly, find my #1 recommendation at

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