High Metabolism Boosting Foods - A Good List of Foods That Aid Your Metabolism

Best List of Foods That Boost Your Metabolism!

High metabolism boosting foods are important items to include in your diet, because a high metabolism allows you to have more energy and burn more fat. Those are both key factors in living a long and healthy life.

Here is a list of foods that help in boosting metabolism:

Due to almonds essential fatty acids, they help raise your body's metabolism. They are full of fiber, protein and good fats. Because of the fat they have a high calorie content so eat small portions. Walnuts are also very good.

Turkey is low in fat and a great source of quality protein.

Rolled Oats
Rolled oats are a great source for quality carbohydrates. Eat it for breakfast to provide your body with the carbohydrates it needs to function throughout the day. Combine with whey protein to add quality protein.

Whey Protein
Whey protein is may be the best thing for your metabolism. It is a complete high quality protein which is great for increasing your metabolism and helping you feel full longer.

Green Tea
Green Tea not only helps with metabolism, it also helps with cancer risk. Green tea is found in many fat burning products

Beans are full protein and fiber, which helps keep you feeling full longer.

Spinach is loaded with antioxidants. Spinach is also high in iron, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.

Eggs provide some of the highest quality protein available and are one of the best foods at speeding up the metabolism.

Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is lean, easy to make and fairly inexpensive. It provides very high quality protein.

Peanut Butter
Peanut butter has a high caloric content but contains great essential fatty acids, fiber, and some protein. Make sure you get the natural stuff. I like to put it on celery.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Canola Oil
Extra virgin olive oil contains lots of omega 3's which keep your heart and brain healthy.

Whole grains
Whole grains provide energy that you need throughout the day.

Berries are full of antioxidants and are probably one of the most important health foods to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your metabolism going strong.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne Pepper has thermagenic properties, which means it heats up your body. Your body uses calories to cool down, increasing your metabolism.


Research about caffeine and coffee suggest many positive benefits which include: Speeding up your metabolism, heart health, increased concentration and many more.

A new study seems to indicate that drinking water actually speeds up weight loss. It keeps your body lean as well as keeping the flow of nutrients and helping to eliminate free radicals.

Red meat contains creatine monohydrate which helps your body use more creatine phosphate (ATP). This helps build muscle which will increase your metabolism.

Vegetables are a must to maintain a healthy metabolism. They contain fiber, vitamins and many essential nutrients.

Salmon contains lots of omega 3's and has cancer prevention benefits. Also a very good source for high quality protein.

Yogurt contains many pro-biotic cultures that are necessary for a healthy digestive tract. It also has lots of good fats and some protein.

Studies indicate that the unique chemical properties in this vitamin C-packed citrus fruit reduce insulin levels, which promotes weight loss.

The next time you need to satisfy a sugar craving, reach for this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You'll feel full longer and eat less.

Study after study link calcium and weight loss. Broccoli is not only high in calcium but full of vitamin C, which boosts calcium absorption. It also has plenty of vitamin A, folate and fiber. And, at just 20-calories per cup, this weight-loss super food not only fights fat but also contains powerful phytochemicals that boost your immunity and protect against disease.

If you would like more information about healthy eating, visit our community at http://www.dietandfitnesscommunity.com.

Patrick McTigue is a full time network marketer that has six years of experience. Patrick enjoys coaching people to success in their home based business and specializes in assisting people new to the home based business area. You can find out more information on Patrick and his team at http://www.naturalnutritionnews.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Patrick_E_McTigue/308714

1 comment:

  1. Salmon and Blueberries Powerful for nutrients http://bit.ly/29Rne7G
