7 Easy Ways to Boost Metabolism

7 Easy ways to boost your metabolism!

Key #1: H2OOO!

The processes of the metabolism can be complex and require a lot of energy. Water helps the metabolism to metabolize energy more effectively and also nourishes your cells so that they are performing well.

You can also try drinking good quality, unsweetened green tea to meet your daily hydration needs, which is loaded with antioxidants and is known to have a metabolism boosting effect.
How much water should I drink?

Typical numbers suggest that you should drink 6 - 8 8 ounce glasses of water per day but this is difficult to measure because everyone is so different with their body demands.

The best way to really know that you are getting enough water is to drink a lot! You should drink pure, filtered, mineral-rich water as often as possible throughout the day and your pee should be clear and without odour.

Key #2: Good Breakfast
You should never skip the most important meal of the day. Eating a nutritious breakfast every day helps your metabolism keep itself in check.

Without this vital meal, your body starts to think that you are starving because it has been so long since your last meal and so your metabolism slows down and you start storing more fat.

Key #3: Eating More Regularly
By eating smaller meals more often throughout the day (5 - 6 meals), your metabolism learns to work faster and your body is very aware that you are able to meet nutritional survival needs so it sees no need for storing fat. Your body will then start to build lean muscle mass in preference to fat storage.

Key #4: Don't Starve Yourself!
Your metabolism is really just your body's inherent energy system which chooses "the best" places to put energy that it receives from food justified by what it thinks is happening in your world.

For example, if you have too much fatty foods and your body can't deal with it all because it is slow and sluggish, you will start to store energy as fat and put on some weight.

However, if you don't meet your most basic energy requirements throughout the day, your body will think that you are starving and begin emergency procedures to strip your energy storage from your lean muscle mass and other protein storage and re-store that energy as fat.

Key #5: Don't Eat Food Within 3 - 4 Hours Before Bedtime
Eating close to bed time puts an enormous energy demand on your whole system and thus you will not get a sleep which is as healthy and replenishing as it could be.

It also means that your body can literally spend more of its focus on burning calories while you are aware and awake during the day and then revitalize and burn fat while you sleep.

Key #6: Do Moderate Intensity Exercise Every Day
Exercise has massive health benefits and most people just simply don't put in the effort to dedicate some of their time to the most important, non-urgent daily tasks.

You should become a dedicated exercise person who has a regular routine each day spending at least 30 minutes each day doing moderate intensity exercise. This could be a jog, a ride on your bike or even a brisk walk each day.

Key #7: Do Some Strength Building Exercises Each Week
Muscle mass helps your metabolism to run faster and more efficiently. By doing strength exercises in the right way, you are actively promoting the replacement of fat storage with muscle storage which in turn, helps you to boost your metabolism dramatically.

Putting these seven keys together into your life is essential in building a healthy, effective body with a high-speed metabolism that burns fat for you while you sleep.

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