How to Supercharge Your Weight Loss Motivation With Commitment

How to Supercharge Your Weight Loss Motivation With Commitment

The most useful piece of advice you can ever be handed regarding losing weight and actually keeping it off for many years to come is right here: motivation goes hand-in-hand with commitment!

The Difference Between Motivation And Commitment

Having weight loss motivation simply means you have something in mind or physically in front of you that is driving you to take actions that lead toward weight loss. For example, if you were out for a run and two snarling dogs started snapping at your heels you would be very motivated to run faster. This is no different than hanging a pair of size 8 jeans on your bedroom wall as a visual motivating tool that makes you want to skip dessert and hit the gym for an extra 30 minutes.

Commitment to losing weight is something very different. instead of looking to outward objects or focusing on things you would like to achieve in the future, you focus on your own strength and determination. A genuine commitment will mean that you cannot be knocked off course from your goals. You go to the gym whether you feel like it or not, and you eat a bowl of fruit instead of the cheeseburger and fries no matter how deprived you feel in the moment.

Have you cut-off mentally and given yourself no way of backing out - You have your goal and nothing is going to stop you from achieving it? That is commitment.

Without a steely commitment to achieving your goal your chances of keeping the weight off long term are low. You need a devotion to yourself in order to pull you through those challenging days when motivation simply escapes you. Those periods will inevitably come at some point, and it is a solid commitment to your plan that will keep you on course, even if you are kicking and screaming all the way.

Motivation will come back and stimulate you to keep to your plan but commitment is the boost that gets you through the rough moments.

The Weight Loss Motivation Boost

You have to count on having times when things that usually motivated you no longer work. For instance, what happens when you get into those size 8 jeans? You will need a new motivating factor, right? The motivation that works today is not guaranteed to work tomorrow.

Commitment to your plan is the boost that will see you through these challenging days time after time. Every single day you must stick to your plan and do all of the things you have vowed to do in order to lose weight. This may mean going to the gym as planned but with the condition that you can leave fifteen minutes early. Once you get going with that workout, chances are high you won't actually want to leave early! Small, simple changes combined with commitment can have a powerful impact both on your motivation, and on your weight loss success.

Essentially, commitment to weight loss equals out to daily action. Just commit to doing something every single day that will propel you closer to your weight loss goals. Some days you will feel your weight loss motivation in overdrive while other days it feels non-existent. Commitment is there through it all!

Use all of your goals - such as losing thirty pounds, fitting into that smaller summer dress, or having more energy for your kids as motivation... but never let go of your commitment!

This article was written by Richard Spackman of "Motivation To Lose Weight". For more tips and resources for staying motivated to lose weight, visit motivation to lose weight

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