What Causes Belly Fat - Some of the Top Things That Cause Belly Fat in Women and Men

Looking to discover what causes belly fat? You have come to the right place. Belly fat can be one of the most difficult and stubborn areas of your body to burn off.

Often times it is the first thing people see when they observe you. Having a flabby tummy can make you very self conscious. Perhaps because it has been drilled into our heads that sexiness is having a flat stomach.

Well before we get to burning tummy fat we should look at what causes belly fat in women and men. Here are of the top causes of belly fat:

o Too much sugar. Sugar is one of the great evils of weight loss. As soon as it is consumed it is stored as belly fat. Although many foods are low in calories or fat that doesn't make them healthy. If they are high in sugar it contributes to getting a fat belly.

o Eating only a couple large meals a day. Can you say "metabolism killer"? Folks you need to make food your friend and not your enemy.

Make it work for you by eating small meals spread out 4-6 times a day. This will encourage your metabolism to burn fat faster and minimize fat storage in your belly.

o Consuming starchy carbohydrates at night. While I believe it is important to eat food at night (in order to for your metabolism to work while you sleep), it is important to eat the right kinds of foods.

Starchy carbohydrates are the worst. Because your body is in a less active state at night, you become more sensitive to insulin response. Eating bad carbs will contribute to greater insulin activity and lead to greater belly fat.

Now that we have identified what causes belly fat in women and men, it is time to put that information to use. In order to do so you must begin a new diet plan that will encourage reducing belly fat and burning those calories quickly.

Remember, knowing is just half the battle. In order to burn belly fat you must take action.

No gimmicks, no pills, and no fads, just proven healthy techniques to help you lose weight quickly and keep it off. Come get your own customized plan at the top weight loss site today! http://www.fat-loss-products.org

Steven Hawks is a personal trainer and weight loss enthusiast. After battling with and defeating his own weight problems years ago, he has made it his goal to help others achieve their physical fitness goals. His articles have been used in numerous publications around the world.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Steven_Hawks/138590


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