All drinks are not created equal. While some are great to drink when you are trying to melt belly fat, other drinks will help you put on weight. Learn the difference and you won't be putting on unwanted pounds, you'll be melting belly fat away.
The biggest problem with drinks and diets is that most of us do not tend to include them in our diet as calorie sources. We watch how much butter we put on our baked potato, but tend to neglect any cream we put in our coffee. Melt belly fat quicker by being conscience of your drinks and what you might add to them.
- Fruit Juices: Nutritionally speaking, fruit juices are very good for you. However, like fruit, they tend to be high in calories. A 8 oz glass of unsweetened apple juice contains over 100 calories.
- Smoothies: On the face of it, smoothies are also nutritional with all the yogurt and fruit. However, just like with fruit juices, they have quite a calorie punch to them. They are good for you, as long as you treat them like a food. Some smoothies pack over 200 calories per 8 oz.
- Alcohol: Alcohol can kill your weight loss efforts probably quicker than anything else. Not only does most alcohol pack a bunch of calories in a small quantity, but worse, it affects your judgment. Just one drink and you'll start to rationalize eating junk food, or just eating when you are not even hungry. Alcohol and weight loss just do not mix.
- Sodas (non-diet): Most sodas are empty calories and do nothing to melt belly fat. They have very little to no nutritional value, but most are packed with huge amounts of calories: 100+ calories per 8 oz.
- Diet Sodas: Diet sodas, although better because you are not consuming as many calories, also trick us into thinking we can eat more because we are having a diet soda with our meal. Who hasn't thought, 'yeah, I can have the extra large fries with this cause I'm having a diet soda.'
- Coffee: Black coffee has negligible calories per cup, it's when you start adding creams and sugars that you need to add it in to your calorie count. Other than that, the only bad aspect of coffee is it dehydrating properties. You will need to drink more water to make up for it.
- Water: Pure and simple, your body needs water. And lots of it. It aids in digestion, keeps your metabolism up, and fills up your stomach, all which help melt belly fat. If you do not drink enough water, your body will actually store what water it has in case of a shortage. This is when you have water retention. (This is also why you lose a lot of weight when you start a new diet that has you drinking a lot of water. Your body finally senses that its water shortage is over and no longer stores the water, hence the immediate weight loss.)
- Green Tea: Green tea is being touted as one of THE best diet drinks out there, especially to melt belly fat. Green tea is different from the other teas in that its leaves are not fermented. Green tea is made from steaming fresh tea leaves. The great diet properties claimed of green tea is that it raises your metabolism.
Discover more about foods and drinks that melt belly fat [] and turn your body into a weight loss machine [].
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