5 Ways to Get Good Protein for Weight loss

5 Ways to Get Good Protein for Weight loss
Get the Best Protein to Lose Weight

I have written before about the importance of trying to get good protein in your diet to achieve sustained and permanent weight loss, so I won't go over everything again here! Enough to say that it promotes lean muscle mass (which burns more calories) and helps you to avoid snacking.

Well - that sounds like enough good reasons to get good protein in your diet right there, but, if you are like me, you probably have no clue how to get GOOD protein, or even what that looks like! So - here are 5 top tips on where to get that good protein and what the pros and cons of each protein source are:

1. Eggs - Talk about starting with the best possible! Egg contains all the essential amino acids in the exact proportions required by the body for optimum growth and maintenance of lean, metabolically active tissue. Not only that, but they are low in calories too and they are easy to cook! Boiled eggs also make a great snack to stave off those hunger pains without breaking your diet.

2. Red meat - This has to be the least "diet-like" way to get good protein when you are losing weight! There's something about a good steak that just shouts "I'm not on a diet"- unfortunately, although the protein is great, it carries with it a penalty. A 6oz Porterhouse steak, for example, has 38grams of protein, but it also delivers 44 grams of fat - almost 3/4 of the daily amount. If you want to use steak to get good protein intake, stick to the leanest cuts and only eat it occasionally.

3. Fish and poultry - These are the best of the meat proteins - providing a great way to get good protein, but with almost no saturated fats. The trick here, of course, is in the preparation - deep fried chicken is probably not the way to shed those pounds, but there are other ways to cook it! And if we compare fish to that red meat - 6oz of salmon gives you 34grams of protein, but only 18grams of fat - MUCH better!

4. Soy and whey proteins - The debate as to which of these is the best source of protein rages on the internet - just type "soy vs whey" into Google and you'll be reading for months! From my experience, a combination of the two gives the best results in weight loss - and my reasoning is simple: Whey protein is very easy to digest, so it satisfies your hunger immediately it hits your stomach, reducing the urge to overeat at mealtimes. Then the soy protein is slower to digest, so that helps to keep your hunger satisfied for longer. I don't know many manufacturers that have gotten this balance right, but Herbalife certainly have.

5. Nuts, lentils & beans - These are the traditional protein sources for the vegetarian diet, and I have to say - they taste great! I was really not a fan of the idea of "nut roast" until I actually tried it and, for me, many of the vegetarian options are tastier than the meat equivalents once you pull all the fat out to make them healthy! If you've not tried this style of cooking before - Google is again your friend - you don't know what you're missing!

So - what's the message here? Simple - if you're going to get that long term weight loss you are looking for, then you need to get good protein into your diet - but that doesn't mean boring! You can get the best protein in VERY tasty packages - go experiment, have fun with it and you won't even notice you are on a diet!

Gary - keeping the weight off and feeling great!!

With personal experience of what works (and what doesn't!) to lose 50lbs and keep it off, AND get healthier in the process, these articles are sharing some of my experiences and tips so you don't have to make the mistakes I did!

Start losing here! [http://fitbodytoday.co.uk]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gary_J_Bailey/272598


  1. I am vegN for health prevention and started running after be omino vegan. No need for the first 3 points.

    1. Hi serena,
      Good luck and thanks for your comment :)

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